Y-CHECK study involves the screening and treatment/referral of adolescents for a range of common health conditions through check-up visits at two key time points during adolescence: early adolescence (10-13 years) and mid/late adolescence (16-19 years). Prior to the main study, a pilot study was conducted where the team screened for a range of health conditions such as hearing, vision, physical impairment, mental health, alcohol substance abuse and psychosocial issues among adolescents in Chitungwiza. The screening sites were located at: Chinembiri Primary School, Dungwiza Primary, Zengeza 1 High School, Seke 6 High School and 2 community hubs.
The pilot continued into July, with the community screening component being added to the primary and secondary school pilot, which had commenced in June. The reception of Y-CHECK services in the community was positive. In total, 35, 16-18-year-olds were enrolled from the community despite the team working one day less than expected. Upon delivery of the hearing screening equipment from hearX, the team returned to every pilot school to complete the hearing screening component using the hearScreen and hearTest web applications. Those who failed the hearing test were referred to our partner - WizEar, who gave the adolescents we worked with comprehensive ear care and management.
The team successfully completed the pilot study on the 15th of July, with 173 participants screened, treated and/or referred. After which, the team took a well-earned break. In the latter stages of the month, the team began preparations for the main Y-CHECK study, which will start in September. The team met the prospective grade 5 participants at Chaminuka and St Mary’s Primary Schools. At these meetings, they simulated the entire study check-up visit to give adolescents a better understanding of the study’s main activities and to educate them on the importance of adolescent health. After meeting the students, the team held a series of sensitization meetings with parents.