It is with immense pride that we share that Dr. Majonga has been awarded the prestigious Wellcome Trust Early Career Award, a first for Zimbabwe! This remarkable five-year fellowship, based between the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and THRU ZIM/BRTI, will support her continued research and professional growth.
Dr. Majonga, a dedicated researcher and trained radiographer, has shown an unwavering commitment to advancing cardiovascular health research in HIV. Since joining BRTI as a Research Fellow in 2014, she has made significant strides in her field. Her groundbreaking PhD work at LSHTM revealed a high prevalence and incidence of echocardiographic abnormalities in children with perinatal HIV in Zimbabwe, highlighting a critical area for further study.
Building on her PhD findings, Dr. Majonga will use this fellowship to characterize cardiac disease in African youth with perinatallyacquired HIV, utilizing advanced multimodal imaging techniques. Her research, titled "Characterisation of Cardiovascular Disease in African Youth with Perinatally-Acquired HIV Infection in the Era of Antiretroviral Therapy," is poised to make a lasting impact on global health.

Congratulations, Dr. Majonga on this remarkable achievement!