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Addressing multimorbidity: insights from the meeting held in Harare

We are excited to provide you with an update on the Multimorbidity Dialogue: Current Evidence and Next Steps meeting held in Harare on December 1st. The meeting aimed to tackle the significant challenge of multimorbidity and determine priorities and next steps for health research, policy, and planning in Zimbabwe.

Multimorbidity, the coexistence of two or more long-term conditions in an individual, poses substantial challenges for healthcare systems worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The meeting brought together key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), the University of Zimbabwe, OPHID, and THRU ZIM, who have been collaborating to enhance understanding of multimorbidity in Zimbabwe. The meeting's objectives were to discuss and share knowledge on multimorbidity, including research initiatives, service integration, and adopting a whole-systems perspective. Additionally, short, medium, and long-term priorities for addressing multimorbidity in Zimbabwe were identified. The meeting comprised three sessions. The first session focused on presentations covering various topics such as OPHID Sanofi NCD screening, tuberculosis and multimorbidity, HIV, aging, and multimorbidity. It also provided an overview of current initiatives, progress, and challenges in integrated multimorbidity care. The second session explored the limitations of the current healthcare systems in Zimbabwe when it comes to addressing multimorbidity. Participants discussed the need for a paradigm shift to better respond to the complex needs of individuals with multiple conditions. The final session centered on identifying priorities and next steps for addressing multimorbidity in Zimbabwe, considering short, medium, and long-term goals.

By sharing knowledge, discussing challenges, and identifying priorities, the Multimorbidity Dialogue meeting aimed to pave the way for enhanced healthcare services and support for individuals with multimorbidity in Zimbabwe.

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