Study title: Co-developing information resources towards informed biobanking and sample collection
Lead Researcher(s)
Celia Gregson
Chan Zuckerberg initiative
University of Oxford, African Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology
Understanding local community perspectives on genetic and scientific research is essential. We are working with local communities to understand perspectives and co-develop patient information concerning taking blood, genetic testing, collecting tissue samples, and biobanking, in Zimbabwe.
This work forms part of a wider international project led by the University of Oxford ‘An Ancestrally Diverse Atlas of the Human Musculoskeletal System’
Study aim(s)
To understand the perspectives and attitudes of the local community on tissue and genetic testing in Zimbabwe.
To co-produce information resources to help inform the Zimbabwean community about tissue and genetic testing.
Study Design
The project will conduct in-depth interviews (IDIs) with 40 community members and 10 key informants involved in biobanking, using maximum variation sampling. Additionally, it will facilitate participatory workshops with 20 participants
Study dates