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Study title: “TAURA” (“Speak Up”): Participatory action research to transform menstrual health for women in Zimbabwe

Lead Researcher(s)

Mandi Tembo


Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute


London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Harare City Health, and Bulawayo City Council.


Many people living in resource-limited settings are affected by a lack of access to hygiene resources, including menstrual hygiene-related resources and support. Menstrual hygiene, and menstrual health (MH) more broadly, are integral to women’s overall health and wellbeing. Addressing the physical and psychosocial wellbeing domains of MH is essential for human rights, gender equality, and global health. However, critical gaps remain in addressing the MH needs of women in Zimbabwe, particularly a lack of access to MH information, resources, and healthcare support.


Study aim(s)

To improve MH care for women in Zimbabwe by co-developing and piloting a setting-specific evidence-based MH resource and training package to improve MH-seeking behaviours, quality of care and the overall well-being and QoL for women in Zimbabwe


Study design

This project will use mixed-methods research to draw upon the experiences of girls and women to address the barriers they face in accessing MH resources and services, give a voice to their experiences and empower them to find innovative solutions to improve overall wellbeing, and evaluate the feasibility of delivering such a solution qualitatively and quantitatively.


In 2024, formative work was done to understand the menstrual experiences across the life-course of girls and women in Zimbabwe and the impact of menstruation on their QoL. This included a countrywide crowdsourcing art competition, “Mwedzi”, which explored menstrual experiences through visual art. In 2025, we will co-create a film production as a visual representation and resource of the lived experiences and issues around MH for girls and women in Zimbabwe; conduct qualitative interviews and non-participant observations to understand the knowledge, perceptions, and capability of healthcare providers to provide care for MH-related issues among girls and women in Zimbabwe; and co-design, pilot in, and evaluate an ‘MH Toolkit” intervention.


Study dates

January 2023 – December 2025


8 Ross Avenue, Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe

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